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make yourself at home

After spending a lot of time indoors, at Calligaris we have really come to value what makes a home feel like home, and what it takes to make it yours. A home is more than a living space. It’s where life belongs. It’s where you play, relax, learn and work. It’s where you share the daily rituals that give objects real meaning. Home is where your story starts and ends, everyday.  

And that’s why we’ve gone back to the drawing board to create a 360° design concept and a fresh new range of products. The idea of the Calligaris Home has grown into a world of its own. We have taken time to put things in order and to tell our evolution at best.






We follow a new communication concept.
We use a mantra to articulate it.
We imagine new products and new living spaces.
We make them real.
We turn them into something personal.
We consider the entire world as home.
We design new visual rules to combine all new things together.
We continue to believe in the importance of creating a home.
Now, more than ever.
A home for living, dining, sleeping, working, playing.

Welcome. Please come in, and make yourself at home.
